I am currently enrolled in an assembly language (Motorola 68K Assembler) course. I have a project where I am tasked with printing the result of a Fibonacci number of a number up to 30. For example, if the user were to enter 4, the result should be 3 (since it is the sum of the previous two numbers). However, my main program (prog4.s) continuously prints out 0. Does the problem have anything to do with the logic of the recursive method? Does the problem lie elsewhere? Here is my code of the recursive method (fib.s)
* fib.s
* long fib(int n) {
* if(n==0) {
* return 0;
* }
* else if(n==1) {
* return 1;
* }
* return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2);
* }
ORG $7000
link A6,#0
movem.l D1-D2,-(SP)
move.w 8(A6),D1
TST.w D1
BNE next
BRA out
cmpi.w #1,D1
BNE recurse
add.w #1,D0
BRA out
move.w D1,D2
subq.w #1,D1
move.w D1,-(SP)
JSR fib
move.w D0,D1 * save copy of fib(n-1)
adda.l #2,SP
subq.w #2,D2
move.w D2,-(SP)
JSR fib
add.w D2,D1
add.w D1,D0 * return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
adda.l #2,SP
movem.l (SP)+,D1-D2
unlk A6
Here is my code for the program that calls fib.s
fib: EQU $7000
start: initIO
lineout title
lineout prompt
linein buffer
cvta2 buffer,D1
* Place parameter on the stack and move the stack pointer
move.w D1,-(SP)
*Jump to the fib subroutine
JSR fib
*Pop starting parameter off the stack
adda.l #2,SP
cvt2a buffer,#6
stripp buffer,#6
lea buffer,A0
adda.l D0,A0
clr.b (A0)
lineout answer
prompt: dc.b 'Enter a number between 1 and 30: ',0
answer: dc.b 'The Fibonacci number is: '
buffer: ds.b 80
Something to note: The algorithm commented out in fib.s is the one I am required to use. Any help/advice would be much appreciated.
Your program is almost correct.
The problem is not within the logic of the recursion it self, it's how you return the values computed by each invocation.
A couple of tracing sessions with the debugger will help you spot the problem.
I'm giving you a hint first. These lines
add.w D1,D2 *fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
add.w D2,D0 *add fib(n-2)
don't do what the comments say.
holds n-2
, D1
holds fib(n-1)
and D0
is fib(n-2)
so the end result is fib(n-1) + fib(n-2) + n - 2
Just replace them with ADD.W D1, D0
to return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2)
There are two other mistakes, yet in how you return the value for the other two cases (n = 0 and n = 1).
I strongly suggest you to try using the 68k simulator that comes with Easy68k to debug a call to fib(0)
and fib(1)
by yourself.
An important advice: set D0
to a random value (say: $55555555) before starting the simulation and use F7 to trace the execution.
If you fail at finding the other mistakes, here they are
The instruction used to return 1 for the n = 1 case is
ADD.W #1, D0
which depends on the previous value ofD0
It should beMOVE.W #1, D0
If n = 0 the function branches toout
without modifyingD0
, it should setD0
to zero.
Something likeMOVE.W #0, D0
or another zeroing idiom.