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Differrence between $FC034D and #$FC034D?

If I write the following code

MOVE $FC034D,A0 
MOVE #$FC034D,A1

Does A0 and A1 both point to the same memory location? Or is there some difference in using the $ and the #$?


  • Based off of the results above. The first line

    MOVE $FC034D,A0

    moves whatever value is stored in $FC034D to A0 or [A0] <-[$FC034D]

    the second line

    MOVE #$FC034D,A1

    takes the actual value FC034D and stores it in A1 or [A1] <- FC034D

    A huge thanks to @RossRidge and @JoseManuelAbarcaRodríguez for helping me in the above comments.