Consider the following Verilog code.
parameter C_SUB_WIDTH = 2;
parameter C_SUB_HEIGHT = 2;
parameter BIT_DEPTH = 12;
reg [5:0] single_block_width;
always @ (*) begin
if(BIT_DEPTH == 8) begin
case({C_SUB_HEIGHT == 1, C_SUB_WIDTH == 1})
2'b00: single_block_width = 6'd16;
2'b10: single_block_width = 6'd16;
2'b11: single_block_width = 6'd24;
default:single_block_width = 6'dx;
else if(BIT_DEPTH == 10) begin
case({C_SUB_HEIGHT == 1, C_SUB_WIDTH == 1})
2'b00: single_block_width = 6'd16;
2'b10: single_block_width = 6'd24;
2'b11: single_block_width = 6'd32;
default:single_block_width = 6'dx;
else if(BIT_DEPTH == 12) begin
case({C_SUB_HEIGHT == 1, C_SUB_WIDTH == 1})
2'b00: single_block_width = 6'd24;
2'b10: single_block_width = 6'd24;
2'b11: single_block_width = 6'd40;
default:single_block_width = 6'dx;
else begin
single_block_width = 6'dx;
Since C_SUB_WIDTH, C_SUB_HEIGHT and BIT_DEPTH are all parameters, would this make single_block_width, a parameter too?
If not, then how can I make single_block_width a parameter and set its' value based on above mentioned parameters?
I am using Xilinx Vivado to synthesize the above code. (Its has to be able to synthesize)
Thank you.
parameter [5:0] SINGLE_BLOCK_WIDTH = (BIT_DEPTH == 8) ? ((C_SUB_WIDTH == 0) ? ((C_SUB_HEIGHT == 0 ) ? 6'd16 : 6'd16) : 6'd24)
: ((BIT_DEPTH == 10) ? ((C_SUB_WIDTH == 0) ? ((C_SUB_HEIGHT == 0 ) ? 6'd16 : 6'd24) : 6'd32)
: (BIT_DEPTH == 12) ? ((C_SUB_WIDTH == 0) ? ((C_SUB_HEIGHT == 0 ) ? 6'd24 : 6'd24) : 6'd40));
Try this type of coding. It may have logical error but it is synthesise.