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sas macro loops using index numbers

I am very keen to learn whether I can handle or not such situations in SAS Base without using SAS IML;

Let's say I have the vector have

            a    b     c     d    e        f
           1001 JPN 10,000  50%  JPN    2,000
           1001 EUR 12,648  100% EUR    3,000
           1001 USD 15,997  50%  USD    5,000
           1001 JPN 20,233  20%  JPN    8,000
           1001 EUR 25,591  20%  EUR    9,000
           1001 USD 32,368  50%  USD    4,000
           1002 JPN 28,393  50%  JPN    6,000
           1002 EUR 24,906  100% EUR    4,000
           1002 USD 21,847  50%  USD    8,000
           1002 TRY 19,164  20%  JPN    6,000
           1002 EUR 16,811  50%  EUR    15,000
           1002 USD 14,746  100% USD    52,000
           1003 USD 10,000  50%  XVN    8,000

 % let i = 1;
 data want;
 set have;
 %do %while a[&i]=a[eval(&i+1)] ;
 b = &i;

What I would like to do is for a with b=e to take the difference of max(c) and max(f) and multiply this difference with d and then for each distinct a to sum these outcomes. This will be iterative. The table I compose here just a small representation of the case.



  • Thank you for posting! I am assuming you want the max value when b = e, but I will give you two possible solutions just in case. Note that you only need to use proc sql once during any SQL calculation groups, but for clarity's sake we'll just do it twice.

    Step 1: Get max values of c and f for when b = e

    proc sql noprint;
        create table maxes as
            select b, e, 
                   max(c) as max_c, max(f) as max_f
            from have
            where upcase(b) = upcase(e)
            group by b, e

    Step 2: Get the max values of when b = e into the table, sum up all the cases by a where b = e

    proc sql noprint;
        create table want as
            select a, sum(result) as result
            /* Get max values into the table. 
               Only interested in cases where a = b */
            from(select st1.a, st1.b, st1.e, 
                        max_c, max_f, 
                        (max_c - max_f)*st1.d as result
                 from have as st1
                 INNER JOIN
                      maxes as st2
                 ON upcase(st1.b) = upcase(st2.b)
                    AND upcase(st1.e) = upcase(st2.e)
                 where upcase(st1.b) = upcase(st1.e) )
            group by a

    Now, if you want to do this for the table maximum of c and f, you can do it with macro variables, the table sorted by a, by-group processing, and a Sum Statement:

    Step 1: Read maximum values of c and f into macro variables

    proc sql noprint;
        select max(c), max(f)
        into :max_c, :max_f
        from have;

    Step 2: Sum the result for each a

    data want;
        set have;
        by a;
        where upcase(b) = upcase(e);
        result+( (&max_c - &max_f)*d );
        if(last.a) then do;
            call missing(result); *Reset the sum for the next a group;
        keep a result;

    I hope this helps! This is just one way you could go about solving the problem, but there are many other great ways. It all depends upon your goals, environment, and programming style.