I want to test whether the carousel on my website contains the correct items that are represented as company logos. Each carousel item has an <img> element with the 'alt' attribute which is where the name of the company is stored.
I have set an environment variable in the cypress.env.json file, which is represented something like this:
"companyPartners": {
"title": "Company Partners",
"partners": {
"google": "Google",
"facebook": "Facebook",
"instagram": "Instagram",
"linkedin": "LinkedIn"
The carousel elements are represented in an unordered list, something like this:
<ul class="carousel-partners ...">
<a class="carousel-item">
<img alt="Google" src="...">
<a class="carousel-item">
<img alt="Facebook" src="...">
So, I want to iterate through each carousel item and verify that the values from the environment variable match the 'alt' attribute of the carousel items.
While running this command in Cypress, I am getting an error which says that only the first letter is retrieved:
Cypress.Commands.add("verifyPartners", () => {
const companyPartners = Cypress.env("companyPartners").partners
let text = ""
for(const x in companyPartners){
text += companyPartners[x]
cy.get('*[class^="carousel-partners"]').find("li").each(($listItem, index) => {
cy.wrap($listItem).find("img").should("have.attr", "alt", text[index])
assert expected <img.h-12.w-auto.object-contain.saturate-0> to have attribute alt with the value G, but the value was Google
Is there any way I can verify the items? Any help would be appreciated.
I'm going to assume there is one-to-one equivalence between the list and the DOM elements.
To do this
to narrow the scope of queries<img>
inside an <li>
tagsconst partners = Cypress.env("companyPartners").partners
take value part of key/value in partners object
yields ['Google','Facebook',...]
const companies = Object.values(partners)
cy.get('ul.carousel-partners').within(() => {
// queries here only apply to the contents of the <ul>
// Two questions:
// 1) Does every partner exist in the DOM on an li[alt] attribute?
companies.forEach((company) => {
cy.get(`li img[alt="${company}"]`) // passes if exists
// 2) Does every DOM <li> have a value in the partners list?
cy.get('li img').each(($img) => {
const alt = $img.attr('alt')