I have a "large" vba-program with many loops, now I want to count each step respective command of my program makes when I start it, so maybe I can find loops which are not really performant. I want to have a number of executed steps.
Does anybody know how that works? Or in Excel 2010 does there already exist some functions for that?
Thanks. I know my English is not very good.
Edit 06.14.13:
Now I write it so in my module
Sub DoStuff()
Dim sw As New Stopwatch
Call pranlesen.plan_gen
Debug.Print "SomeFunction took " & format(sw.Elapsed * 1000, "0.000000") & " milliseconds"
End Sub
The class is right called as Stopwatch I don't know what's the defect.
If you mean "count the number of processor instructions", no there is no way to do that. However, you can measure elapsed time very accurately. See my article Accurate Performance Timers in VBA for a detailed description of using the Windows API function QueryPerformanceCounter to construct a super-accurate stopwatch in VBA. Here's the full code for the Stopwatch class:
Option Explicit
Private Declare Function QueryPerformanceCounter Lib "kernel32" ( _
lpPerformanceCount As UINT64) As Long
Private Declare Function QueryPerformanceFrequency Lib "kernel32" ( _
lpFrequency As UINT64) As Long
Private pFrequency As Double
Private pStartTS As UINT64
Private pEndTS As UINT64
Private pElapsed As Double
Private pRunning As Boolean
Private Type UINT64
LowPart As Long
HighPart As Long
End Type
Private Const BSHIFT_32 = 4294967296# ' 2 ^ 32
Private Function U64Dbl(U64 As UINT64) As Double
Dim lDbl As Double, hDbl As Double
lDbl = U64.LowPart
hDbl = U64.HighPart
If lDbl < 0 Then lDbl = lDbl + BSHIFT_32
If hDbl < 0 Then hDbl = hDbl + BSHIFT_32
U64Dbl = lDbl + BSHIFT_32 * hDbl
End Function
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Dim PerfFrequency As UINT64
QueryPerformanceFrequency PerfFrequency
pFrequency = U64Dbl(PerfFrequency)
End Sub
Public Property Get Elapsed() As Double
If pRunning Then
Dim pNow As UINT64
QueryPerformanceCounter pNow
Elapsed = pElapsed + (U64Dbl(pNow) - U64Dbl(pStartTS)) / pFrequency
Elapsed = pElapsed
End If
End Property
Public Sub Start()
If Not pRunning Then
QueryPerformanceCounter pStartTS
pRunning = True
End If
End Sub
Public Sub Pause()
If pRunning Then
QueryPerformanceCounter pEndTS
pRunning = False
pElapsed = pElapsed + (U64Dbl(pEndTS) - U64Dbl(pStartTS)) / pFrequency
End If
End Sub
Public Sub Reset()
pElapsed = 0
pRunning = False
End Sub
Public Sub Restart()
pElapsed = 0
QueryPerformanceCounter pStartTS
pRunning = True
End Sub
Public Property Get Running() As Boolean
Running = pRunning
End Property
Paste the above code in a new Class module and name the module "Stopwatch". Then anywhere else in your code you can do something like this:
Sub DoStuff
Dim sw As New Stopwatch
myResult = SomeFunction(A, B, C)
Debug.Print "SomeFunction took " & Format(sw.Elapsed * 1000, "0.000000") & " milliseconds"
End Sub