I am importing pandas and reading a csv file.
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv(r'C:\Users\Me\MyFile.csv')
I am converting the dataframe to strings and making the contents lowercase
df_low = df.apply(lambda x: x.astype(str).str.lower() if (x.dytpe == 'object'_ else x)
I'm using user input to search for strings
searchterm = str(input("Enter search term: ").lower())
looping through the dataframe and creating mask, then only returning non-empty results. I'm currently using the .upper
command only due to the 'Item Number' having 3 capital letters in the beginning but, of course this is making the entire output capital but that is workable.
for item in df_low:
mask = df_low[item].str.contains(searchterm)
df_mask = pd.DataFrame(df_low[mask])
if not df_mask.empty:
print(df_mask[['Item Number', 'User Name', 'Short Description']].to_string(index=false).upper())
if df contains the following:
Item Number | User Name | Short Description | Comments |
ITM-1 | Leonardo | words and stuff | I wrote words |
ITM-2 | Donatello | guy and words | N/A |
ITM-3 | Frank | Technology list | Technology stack |
Searching for the term 'technology' Expected Output:
Item Number | User Name | Short Description |
Due to the loop, the actual output would be the following since the search term is found in both the 'Short Description and 'Comments' fields:
Item Number | User Name | Short Description |
Item Number | User Name | Short Description |
I tried multiple variations of .drop_duplicates
but I know enough to know I don't know how to use that because I have a limited understanding where that would go in the overall code.
Instead of a loop, you can use applymap
to filter rows that have the searchterm
in any column:
searchterm = "Technology"
out = df[
df.applymap(lambda x: isinstance(x, str) and searchterm.lower() in x.lower())
out = out[["Item Number", "User Name", "Short Description"]]
Item Number User Name Short Description
2 ITM-3 Frank Technology list