Search code examples

When looping though a dataframe looking for string values. How do I print out rows without duplicating if the search term is found multiple times?

I am importing pandas and reading a csv file.

import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_csv(r'C:\Users\Me\MyFile.csv')

I am converting the dataframe to strings and making the contents lowercase

df_low = df.apply(lambda x: x.astype(str).str.lower() if (x.dytpe == 'object'_ else x)

I'm using user input to search for strings

searchterm = str(input("Enter search term: ").lower())

looping through the dataframe and creating mask, then only returning non-empty results. I'm currently using the .upper command only due to the 'Item Number' having 3 capital letters in the beginning but, of course this is making the entire output capital but that is workable.

for item in df_low:
    mask = df_low[item].str.contains(searchterm)
    df_mask = pd.DataFrame(df_low[mask])
    if not df_mask.empty:
        print(df_mask[['Item Number', 'User Name', 'Short Description']].to_string(index=false).upper())

if df contains the following:

Item Number User Name Short Description Comments
ITM-1 Leonardo words and stuff I wrote words
ITM-2 Donatello guy and words N/A
ITM-3 Frank Technology list Technology stack

Searching for the term 'technology' Expected Output:

Item Number User Name Short Description

Due to the loop, the actual output would be the following since the search term is found in both the 'Short Description and 'Comments' fields:

Item Number User Name Short Description
Item Number User Name Short Description

I tried multiple variations of .drop_duplicates but I know enough to know I don't know how to use that because I have a limited understanding where that would go in the overall code.


  • Instead of a loop, you can use applymap to filter rows that have the searchterm in any column:

    searchterm = "Technology"
    out = df[
        df.applymap(lambda x: isinstance(x, str) and searchterm.lower() in x.lower())
    out = out[["Item Number", "User Name", "Short Description"]]
      Item Number User Name Short Description
    2       ITM-3     Frank   Technology list