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Cannot load swf from another domain

I'm successfully loading swf from another domain, but when i addChild loaded content, it doesn't appear on the stage. My firebug shows that swf loaded with status (304 Not Modified), means no problem.

Why i cannot see loaded swf content on the stage?

Thank you


  • I have found the problem.
    I wanna share it to you, because anyone can face with such a problem. This problem doesn't cause any error, so it's hard to find it.

    We need just add loaderContext as second parameter in load method. Before assigning it there we must declare it in this way:

    var loader_context:LoaderContext = new LoaderContext();
    if (Security.sandboxType!='localTrusted') loader_context.securityDomain = SecurityDomain.currentDomain;
    loader_context.applicationDomain = ApplicationDomain.currentDomain;

    loader.load(url, loader_context);

    That's all!