I noticed I'd only getting the "blips of black" (maybe 300ms of all black) whenever the stream quality changes (due to the DSS throttle).
I thought maybe there is not enough buffer, but the stream change takes about 7s (according to the HDCore debug messages) and the bufferTime, according to the associated netStream, is set to 10 seconds by default.
Perhaps there's a better way to set up the buffer in HDCore? This worked fine with OSMF, but OSMF doesn't support HTTP DSS.
Using: Flash Player 10.2 and Akamai HDCore 2.1.20
Embed Code:
<script type="text/javascript">
/*var str = '?';
for(var b in flashVars) str += b + '=' + flashVars[b] + '&';
var params = {
swfobject.embedSWF(WEBCAST_SWF_URL, "flashContent", "512", "288", "10.2.0", "/flash/expressinstall.swf?", null, params);
I noticed that running locally and hitting the swf both worked find.
So I changed the wrapper in the HTML and that fixed the "blip". I switched from swfobject to the native non-swfobject wrapper and everything worked (AC_OETags.js).
Happy streaming.