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ADT Captive Runtime Package Command Line Error

I'm attempting (unsuccessfully) to package a captive runtime of AIR 3.3 application for Windows 7 using the command prompt.

The arguments passed to ADT are correct, as i do not receive errors and i'm prompted for the certificate password:

C:\Users\>"C:\Program Files (x86)\FlashDevelop\Tools\flexsdk\bin\
adt.bat" -package -keystore "G:\Desktop\AIRCert.p12" -storetype pkcs12 -target b
undle "G:\Desktop\Off Air" "G:\Developer\OffAir\application.xml" -C "G:\Deve
loper\OffAir\bin\OffAir.swf" -C "G:\Developer\OffAir\assets\offAirIcon.png"

However, after entering the password i receive this:

unexpected failure: inputs not set
java.lang.IllegalStateException: inputs not set
        at com.adobe.air.ApplicationPackager.createPackage(ApplicationPackager.j
        at com.adobe.air.nai.NativePackager.createPackage(
        at com.adobe.air.ADT.parseArgsAndGo(
        at com.adobe.air.ADT.main(

C:\Users\Geoffrey Mattie>

Could this be happening because my application files are located on the G drive while ADT and Java are on the C drive? Any ideas?


  • It appears that there was a problem with my manual merging of the AIR 3.4 and Flex 4.6 SDKs. Using the pre-merged version on Adobe's Gaming website solves the issue.