I want to use multiple images in my flash script and instead of writing tons of code I want to get the 'currentTarget' and assign a variable name to it so I can tweenlite it . Instead of me naming all the instances I thought the following would work but it doesn't. Can anybody give me some pointers , thanks
wedding.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, pan_over);
function pan_over(e: MouseEvent): void {
var ct: string = Event.currentTarget.name;
TweenLite.to(ct, 1, {
scaleX: 1.4,
scaleY: 1.03
try this:
wedding.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, pan_over) ;
function pan_over(e:MouseEvent):void{
TweenLite.to(e.currentTarget, 1, {scaleX:1.4, scaleY:1.03} ) ;