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as3 How to use swap with array list?

I have Array list, and in this array have 4 url and port, i want when user connect from index[0] then connection lose i show button when click user this button i want to connect same port but second url like index[1].

How i solve and how can i do please help thanks. This is my List

private static var urisToTry:Array = [
            new SocketUri("", 123),
            new SocketUri("", 123),
            new SocketUri("", 321),
            new SocketUri("", 321)

Any help would be great i need pseudo code


  • Something like this:

    // current array index
    private var connIndex:int = 0;
    public function connect():void
        var mySocketURI:SocketUri = urisToTry[connIndex];
        // do your connection here
    private function onConnectionLost():void
        // increase index and check if it is within array length
        if(connIndex >= urisToTry.length -1)
            connIndex = 0;