When trying to set up IveDE, i'm running into the problem that i need to specify my ivysetting.xml on the workspace level in order for my resolvers (to local nexus) to work.
I was hoping there is some way to get IvyDE to use the ivysettings.xml of the project.
I've added the path to my ivysetting through
Project --> properties --> ivy --> retrieve list --> edit --> settings tab
This gives no errors but doesnt make ivyde use the ivysettings provided for the project.
Is it somehow possible to get IvyDE to use a different ivysettings.xml for each project and if yet how?
Edit: this seems to have been a eclipse cache issue.(see self answer)
Found the real problem i was having.
My ivysettings.xml changed locations in on of the projects, i updated the retrieve pattern (which i may nog even need) and didnt change the ivyDE eclipse classpath container. by editing that one everything seems to work as intended
(Project --> properties --> buildpath --> libraries)
I probably missed this because i was looking at the ivy properties of the project instead