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How do I include an Ivy Dependency in subversion repo

So, since I've been unable to find a way to resolve our dependency issues by including everything from external sources I've turned to Eclipse / IvyDE for ant / Ivy integration.

With that said, I normally include a lib like this:

<dependency org="org.jsoup" name="jsoup" rev="1.6.3"/>

However what if I want to look at something in our own intranet?

Example, if the folder holding the jar is somewhere like this:

and I want to include lib.jar into my folder.

I've been relatively unable to find ivysettings.xml in this implementation of eclipse, nor am I confident that I'd be able to get it right if I could.

Could someone help me with this?


  • The following ivy settings file:

        <settings defaultResolver="central"/>
            <ibiblio name="central" m2compatible="true"/>
            <url name="my-repo">
                <artifact pattern="http://myserver/myrepo/[organisation]/[artifact]/[revision]/[artifact].[ext]"/>
            <module organisation="org.mycompany" resolver="my-repo"/>

    Is configured to retrieve artifacts from Maven Central by default, and local artifacts from a HTTP server.



    Nothing special in the ivy file. Just declare the dependencies and which configuration to associate them with:

        <conf name="compile" description="Required to compile application"/>
        <!-- compile dependencies -->
        <dependency org="org.slf4j" name="slf4j-api" rev="1.6.4" conf="compile->default"/>
        <dependency org="org.mycompany" name="my-module" rev="1.0" conf="compile->default"/>


    • It's ivy best practice to use configurations.


    <target name="resolve" dependencies="Resolve build dependencies">
        <ivy:report todir='build/reports' graph='false' xml='false'/>
        <ivy:cachepath pathid="compile.path" conf="compile"/>


    • The ivycachepath task transforms an ivy configuration into a populated ANT classpath. Very useful.
    • The ivy report task tells you the jars on the classpath(s)

    Ivy resolve build output

    All the magic is in the settings file. Running the build produces the following:

    [ivy:resolve]   found org.slf4j#slf4j-api;1.6.4 in central
    [ivy:resolve]   found org.mycompany#my-module;1.0 in my-repo
    [ivy:resolve] downloading ...
    [ivy:resolve] downloading http://myserver/myrepo/org.mycompany/my-module/1.0/my-module.jar ...


    • The my-repo resolver is used for modules with a "org.mycompany" groupId.
    • Everything else comes from the default resolver, Maven Central.