hoping someone can shed some light on a problem I've been working on. I'm in the process over changing a small project over to Vaadin from GWT, I have all my libraries working except for the Oracle JDBC driver (ojdbc6.jar). After reading around I discovered this library isn't available through public Maven repo's so I started working on adding it to Ivy from my local filesystem.
Here's the problem. I have been able to get Ivy to resolve the dependency and add it to the ivy cache however it will only add it to my lib/jars folder and not into the WAR\WEB-INF\lib folder. All my other dependencies seem to be working as expected and are deployed to the WEB-INF\lib folder, C3P0 gets as far as starting up a db pool but fails when trying to load the JDBC driver.
My filesystem setup is the first resolver listed in the ivy-settings.xml - hope someone can help!
1<?xml version="1.0"?>
2<!DOCTYPE ivy-module [
3 <!ENTITY vaadin.version "7.1.11">
5<ivy-module version="2.0"
6 xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
7 xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://ant.apache.org/ivy/schemas/ivy.xsd">
8 <info organisation="com.example" module="v7proj" />
9 <configurations>
10 <!-- The default configuration, which should be deployed to the server -->
11 <conf name="default" />
12 <!-- A configuration only needed when compiling the widget set. Should
13 not be deployed to the server -->
14 <conf name="widgetset-compile" />
15 <!-- A configuration used in compilation of server side classes only.
16 Should be deployed to the server -->
17 <conf name="nodeploy" />
18 </configurations>
19 <dependencies defaultconf="default" defaultconfmapping="default->default">
20 <!-- The core server part of Vaadin -->
21 <dependency org="com.vaadin" name="vaadin-server" rev="&vaadin.version;" />
23 <!-- Vaadin themes -->
24 <dependency org="com.vaadin" name="vaadin-themes" rev="&vaadin.version;" />
26 <!-- Push support -->
27 <dependency org="com.vaadin" name="vaadin-push" rev="&vaadin.version;" />
29 <!-- log4j -->
30 <dependency org="log4j" name="log4j" rev="1.2.17" conf="default" />
32 <!-- c3p0 -->
33 <dependency org="com.mchange" name="c3p0" rev="" conf="default" />
35 <!-- Oracle JDBC -->
36 <dependency org="com.oracle" name="ojdbc" rev="6" conf="default" />
38 <!-- simple-java-mail -->
39 <dependency org="org.codemonkey.simplejavamail" name="simple-java-mail" rev="2.1" conf="default" />
41 <!-- GWT -->
42 <dependency org="com.google.gwt" name="gwt-servlet" rev="2.5.1" conf="default" />
44 <!-- Apache Commons -->
45 <dependency org="org.apache.commons" name="commons-lang3" rev="3.2.1" conf="default" />
47 <!-- Servlet 3.0 API -->
48 <dependency org="javax.servlet" name="javax.servlet-api" rev="3.0.1" conf="default" />
50 <!-- Precompiled DefaultWidgetSet -->
51 <dependency org="com.vaadin" name="vaadin-client-compiled"
52 rev="&vaadin.version;" />
54 <!-- Vaadin client side, needed for widget set compilation -->
55 <dependency org="com.vaadin" name="vaadin-client" rev="&vaadin.version;"
56 conf="widgetset-compile->default" />
58 <!-- Compiler for custom widget sets. Should not be deployed -->
59 <dependency org="com.vaadin" name="vaadin-client-compiler"
60 rev="&vaadin.version;" conf="widgetset-compile->default" />
61 </dependencies>
62 </ivy-module>
1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
3 <property name="repo.dir" value="C:/dev-vaadin/ivy.repo" />
4 <settings defaultResolver="default" />
5 <resolvers>
6 <chain name="default">
7 <!-- Localhost filesystem repository -->
8 <filesystem name="internal">
9 <ivy pattern="${repo.dir}/ivy[revision].xml" />
10 <artifact pattern="${repo.dir}/[artifact][revision].[ext]" />
11 </filesystem>
13 <!-- Public Maven repository -->
14 <ibiblio name="public" m2compatible="true" />7
16 <!-- Vaadin Add-on repository -->
17 <ibiblio name="vaadin-addons" usepoms="true" m2compatible="true"
18 root="http://maven.vaadin.com/vaadin-addons" />
20 <!-- Vaadin snapshots repository -->
21 <ibiblio name="vaadin-snapshots" usepoms="true" m2compatible="true"
22 root="https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/vaadin-snapshots" />
23 <!-- Repository used for Vaadin modified smartsprites library -->
24 <dual name="custom-smartsprites">
25 <filesystem name="smartsprites-ivy">
26 <ivy pattern="${basedir}/ivymodule/[module]-ivy-[revision].xml" />
27 </filesystem>
28 <url name="smartsprites-artifact">
29 <artifact
30 pattern="http://dev.vaadin.com/svn/versions/6.8/build/smartsprites/lib/[artifact](-[revision]).[ext]" />
31 </url>
32 </dual>
33 </chain>
34 </resolvers>
35 <modules>
36 <!-- Vaadin patched SmartSprites -->
37 <module organisation="com.carrotsearch" name="smartsprites"
38 revision="0.2.3-itmill" resolver="custom-smartsprites" />
39 </modules>
In eclipse have a look at your project properties. There is a point called "Deployment Assembly" which should contain at least these two entries:
/src -> WEB-INF/classes
/WebContent -> /
Then you can add
/Ivy -> WEB-INF/lib
Make sure that all your needed libraries are included in the Deployment Assembly.