I'm having an issue getting an ant/ivy build and eclipse/ivyde build to work well with each other.
Here's my setup, where 'git_root' is different for each developer:
/{git_root} |
-/B |
- projectB1
- projectB2
-ivy_build |
- ivy_settings.xml
- local_repository
my ivy_settings.xml contains a FileSystem resolver that must, of course, use absolute paths.
<filesystem name="local">
<ivy pattern="${repository.dir}/[module]/ivy.xml" />
<artifact pattern="${repository.dir}/[module]/[artifact].[ext]" />
so now how do I define {repository.dir} in such a way to make both ant happy and ivyde/eclipse happy?
I normally use the ivy.settings.dir property which resolves to the directory local to the ivy settings file:
<filesystem name="myrepos">
<artifact pattern="${ivy.settings.dir}/local_repository/[organisation]/[artifact]-[revision].[ext]" />