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How do you delete an attribute in XML?

How do I delete an attribute on an XML node in E4X? I thought this would be easier but I haven't found any examples.

I tried:

delete xml.attribute("myAttribute");

which gives me the following error:

TypeError: Error #1119: Delete operator is not supported with operand of type XMLList.

and I've tried:

xml.attribute("myAttribute") = null;

which causes a compiler error.


  • In you example just add the [0] in the resulted XMLList, to ensure you delete a single attribute node, it should work:

    delete xml.@attributename[0];

    Actually, for me delete with XMLList works as well for simple cases (without complex e4x search constructions):

        var x:XML = <x><c a="1"/><c a="2"/></x>;
        trace("0", x.toXMLString());
        delete x.c.@a;
        trace("1", x.toXMLString());


    [trace] 0 <x>
    [trace]   <c a="1"/>
    [trace]   <c a="2"/>
    [trace] </x>
    [trace] 1 <x>
    [trace]   <c/>
    [trace]   <c/>
    [trace] </x>