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Export user input history from OCaml utop to file

When I'm using OCaml utop every line of the input and output is printed into the console:

   │ Welcome to utop version 2.10.0 (using OCaml version 4.14.0)! │

Type #utop_help for help about using utop.

─( 22:17:51 )─< command 0 >─────────────────────────────{ counter: 0}─
utop # let x = 50;;
val x : int = 50

Is it possible to export each of user inputs and outputs from utop session into specific file?


  • Your input is saved by default at ~/.utop-history . Isn't that enough for your purpose?

    You can also change location and file size by manipulating UTop.history_file_name and other variables.