Why is the type info in the red box not: 'a -> 'a -> 'a -> 'a -> 'a
I think all the parameters and the return value should be of the same type, and utop does confirm that they are all of Z.t
utop # let rec fib_acc = fun n -> fun n_1 -> fun n_2 -> fun acc ->
if (Z.equal n Z.one) || (Z.equal n (Z.of_int 2))
then acc
else fib_acc (Z.add n Z.minus_one) n_2 (Z.add n_1 n_2) (Z.add n_1 n_2);;
val fib_acc : Z.t -> Z.t -> Z.t -> Z.t -> Z.t = <fun>
What do we know about the types of Z.add
, Z.equal
, Z.one
, Z.minus_one
and Z.of_int
You need that information if you want to conclude that n, n_1, n_2
and acc
all have type Z.t
Without knowing the types of functions Z.add
and Z.equal
, we can conclude that acc
and the return value have the same type, because of the then acc
branch, and we can conclude that n_1
and n_2
have the same type, because n_2
in place of n_1
in the recursive call. This explains the type 'a -> 'b -> 'b -> 'c -> 'c
Presumably, utop
has access to the types of Z.add
and Z.equal
, but the software which gives you the type hint 'a -> 'b -> 'b -> 'c -> 'c
does not have access to that information.