Below is a valid variant type definition in OCaml. (source)
type t = U of u and u = T of t
Is there a use for it?
And how to create a value of type t
? Or type u
The example you've shown does not make much sense. There's no way for the recursion to end.
As Naïm Favier notes, you can actually create a value, but the cyclic nature of the values will be noted by OCaml.
# let rec t = T u and u = U t;;
val t : u = T (U <cycle>)
val u : t = U (T <cycle>)
But with that, mutually recursive types can be
very useful. Consider the definition of Seq.t
from the standard library.
type 'a t = unit -> 'a node (** A sequence [xs] of type ['a t] is a delayed list of elements of type ['a]. Such a sequence is queried by performing a function application [xs()]. This function application returns a node, allowing the caller to determine whether the sequence is empty or nonempty, and in the latter case, to obtain its head and tail. *) and +'a node = | Nil | Cons of 'a * 'a t (**) (** A node is either [Nil], which means that the sequence is empty, or [Cons (x, xs)], which means that [x] is the first element of the sequence and that [xs] is the remainder of the sequence. *)