In below snippet, the recursive function lookup
has only one parameter.
How could it later be applied with two parameters k
and t
let rec lookup k = function (* only 1 parameter k *)
| [] -> None
| (k', v) :: t ->
if k = k' then Some v
else lookup k t (* applied with 2 parameters k and t *)
OCaml function only takes one parameter.
There are 2 syntactic forms of function definition (ref).
Form 1:
In form 1, the parameter is only used for pattern matching. The function body expression doesn't directly use the parameter so the parameter doesn't need to be explicitly listed/named.
Form 2:
In form 2, the function body expression does directly use the parameter so the parameter must be explicitly listed/named.
My lookup
is defined as a functional value that maps a value of type 'a
to a functional value of type ('a * 'b) list -> 'b option
Applying lookup
to an input like lookup k
will output the functional value of type ('a * 'b) list -> 'b option
So in practice, the application of lookup 1
evaluates to a functional value that takes a (int * 'b) list
and returns a value of 'b
This functional value can be further applied to a value of the type (int * 'b) list
You defined lookup k
as a function
, so lookup k
can be applied to t
. See