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Return a list of tuples inside a rectangular range

As a beginner in OCaml, I'm trying to write a function who takes two int arguments (a and b), and should return a list which contains all tuples (i,j) where i is between 0 and a, and j is between 0 and b, order doesn't matter. The function should be like this : myfunc: int -> int -> (int*int) list And result must be something like [(0,1);(0,2)]...

I already wrote a function who takes two int argument and return a list between those two. For example, 1 and 5 give me this list : [1;2;3;4;5]. This is what i've done :

let rec btwn = fun a b -> if a>b then []
                       else if a = b then [a]
                       else a :: btwn (a+1) b ;;

My idea was to reuse this function, and create two list : one list with the range 0 ; a and one another with the range 0 ; b, and then making all tuples with these two lists. I've heard of List.fold_left/right, but I can't get it work... Do you have any ideas ? Thanks!


  • If you want to reuse btwn, you basically want to implement this::

    fun a b -> 
      let la = btwn 0 a
      and lb = btwn 0 b
      in cartesian_product la lb;;

    Now, you only need to implement cartesian_product, which is basically two nested loops: the outer loop iterates of elements a from la, and for each a, you iterate over all elements b from lb to build a list [(ai,b0), ..., (ai,bj)]. You then have to concatenate all lists (the one for a0, then a1, etc.).

    In pseudo-code, that would be:

    R = []
    loop for a in la:
      R := append(R, [(a,b) for b in lb])

    But instead of concatenating, you can thread the resulting list in parameters and intermediate return values to ensure you always only add elements in front, which takes constant time:

    let cross_product la lb =
      let rec outer sofar la =
        match la with
        | [] -> sofar
        | a::la -> 
           let rec inner sofar lb =
             match lb with
             | [] -> sofar
             | b::lb -> (inner ((a,b)::sofar) lb)
           in outer (inner sofar lb) la
      in outer [] la;;

    If you don't mind having a local mutable state, a somewhat simpler approach would be:

    open List;;
    let cross_product la lb =
      let stack = ref []
      in iter (fun a -> iter (fun b -> stack := (a,b)::!stack) lb) la;