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How to perform multiple functions (distinct-values, count) on a variable in XQuery?

I have an XML file with the following entries:

 <unit id="u-1.01"/>
 <unit id="u-1.02"/>
 <unit id="u-1.03"/>
 <unit id="u-1.04"/>
 <unit id="u-1.05"/>
 <unit id="u-1.06"/>
 <unit id="u-1.07"/>
 <unit id="u-2.01"/>
 <unit id="u-2.02"/>
 <unit id="u-2.03"/>
 <unit id="u-2.04"/>
 <unit id="u-2.05"/>
 <unit id="u-2.06"/>

I want to count the number of distinct-values using the query below.

The query goes through each of the @id attributes and selects the third character in the string.

declare function local:count-base-pages($basefile) {
for $identifiers in $basefile/unit/@id
let $id := distinct-values(substring($identifiers, 3, 1)) 
return count($id) 

However, this query returns the following sequence:

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2

The wished outcome would be 2 because there are two distinct values: 1 and 2.

How am I misusing the distinct-values and count functions?


  • You need to wrap your functions around the actual FLWOR expression: count(distinct-values(for ... return ...))