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In ActionScript 3.0, when using Ookla's Speedtest in an SWFLoader, how do you allow it to load and run more than once?

Got another weird/specific question for y'all: I'm able to do with this with other .swfs just fine, but Ookla's Speedtest is something of a problem. Basically we have a part of our website that runs Speedtest to determine somebody's bandwidth and use its results in some if statements. But when the person tries to change panels and come back in, Speedtest just sort of disappears. It's supposed to go back to the beginning and start again, but it's like it just keeps running and turns invisible.

When I tried loading another .swf in the SWFLoader, I could get it to reset just fine without disappearing. There's something specifically about Ookla's Speedtest that's causing a problem. If I do nothing to reset the Speedtest .swf when the user starts moving around panels, it won't disappear at least. Putting in code to make it reset is a completely different story though.

What's the trick for this program? Did Ookla design the .swf specifically so it wouldn't work like that or something? Thanks!


  • Evidently Ookla has designed the .swf against being used like that, which is probably costing them customers.