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Is "^" a shorthand for Math.pow()?

Is there a difference between 4 ^ 2 and Math.pow(4, 2); in Actionscript 3?


  • Is there a difference between 4 ^ 2 and Math.pow(4, 2);

    Yes, ^ is the binary xor operator, whereas Math.pow(x, y) raises x to the y power.

    410 ^ 210 == 610 // 01002 xor 00102 == 01102
    Math.pow(4, 2) == 16 // 42 == 16

    As of ES2016, the shorthand for Math.pow(x, y) is x**y

    console.log('Using `Math.pow(4, 2)`:', Math.pow(4, 2))
    console.log('Using `4**2`:', 4**2)