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Google Test - Constructor declaration error

I am trying to create a test fixture class from a normal class with constructor declaration (with arguments) as shown below:


class hello
hello(const uint32_t argID, const uint8_t argCommand);
virtual ~hello();
void initialize();

where uint32_t is: typedef unsigned int and uint8_t is: typedef unsigned char

My Test Fixture Class:


class helloTestFixture:public testing::Test
helloTestFixture(/*How to carry out the constructor declaration in this test fixture class corresponding to the above class?*/);
virtual ~helloTestFixture();
hello m_object;
TEST_F(helloTestFixture, InitializeCheck) // Test to access the 'intialize' function

After trying to implement the above code, it gives me the error:

 Error C2512: no appropriate default constructor available

I was trying to replicate the constructor constructed in the hello.h file into my hellotestfixture.h file. Any way around for doing that? I have tried implementing it in many ways but no success as of yet. Any suggestions on how to implement this?


  • After not much of code correction, here's what I've got for you in store: An Answer :)

    class hello
      hello(const uint32_t argID, const uint8_t argCommand);
    virtual ~hello();
    void initialize();
    hello::hello(const uint32_t argID, const uint8_t argCommand){/* do nothing*/}
    hello::~hello(){/* do nothing*/}
    void hello::initialize(){/* do nothing*/}
    class helloTestFixture
      virtual ~helloTestFixture();
      hello m_object;
    helloTestFixture::helloTestFixture():m_object(0,0){/* do nothing */}
    helloTestFixture::~helloTestFixture(){/* do nothing */}
    int main()
        helloTestFixture htf;

    This compiles and runs nicely and hope this answers your question. :)