Search code examples

How can I use the database commands 'Seek' and results 'NoMatch'?

Here's my problem:

Let's say I have these tables:


1 - "a"

2 - "b"


1 -

2 -

3 -

Now, I'm using the following code to compare the tables:

Do While Not table2.EOF
 table1.Seek "=", table2!field2
  If table1.NoMatch Then
               go do a lot of things to find that information
   table2!Field2 = table1!field2
  End If

But the line

table2!Field2 = table1!field2

Is not working so well. I'm pretty sure I'm doing something wrong here, but I'm having problems finding a solution. I'm not even sure what I should google...

EDIT: Field 2 is indexed in table 1, so the 'seek' works.


  • A few notes.

    Let us say you want all the records from Table2 where there is no match on a field called Field1:

    sSQL = "SELECT Field1, FieldX FROM Table2 " _
         & "LEFT JOIN Table1 " _
         & "ON Table2.Field1 = Table1.Field1 " _
         & "WHERE Table1.Field1 Is Null"

    You could, of course, build the query in the query design window and fiddle around until is is just what you want, then switch to SQL view to get the right (ish) SQL string.

    Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
    Set rs = CurrentDB.Openrecordset(sSQL)
    Do While Not rs.EOF ''table2.EOF
    ''You do not need no match, all these records are missing a match
    ''    table1.Seek "=", table2!field2
    ''    If table1.NoMatch Then
               go do a lot of things to find that information
    ''This can all be done with one update query
    ''    Else 
    ''    table2.Edit
    ''    table2!Field2 = table1!field2
    ''    table2.update
    ''    End If
    ''    table2.MoveNext
    ''    Loop
    sSQL = "UPDATE Table2 " _
         & "INNER JOIN Table1 " _
         & "SET table2.Field2 = table1.field2 " 
    CurrentDB.Execute sSQL dbFailOnerror

    Please treat the above as notes, not finished code.