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How to show the same field value from another entity attributes

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How can i show the same value of attribute from Item_Stock under entity PurchaseOrder and Warehouse ?

To be more specific, i need to do a calculation from warehouse that when Item_Stock is taken by PurchaseOrder then the Item_Stock value at Warehouse will be minus according to how many total quantity of the Purchase_Quantity.


  • By using a SQL query, the following should show which products that has the same "item_Stock" value on both PurchaseOrder table or Warehouse table.

      po.item_Stock as PurchaseOrder_item_Stock,
      po.item_Stock as Warehouse_item_Stock,
    from product p
    join PurchaseOrder po on p.product_id = po.product_id
    join Warehouse w on p.product_id = w.product_id
    where po.item_Stock = w.item_Stock

    the field's value is being shown side by side as different columns for each entity.