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Adding attachment to Outlook.MailItem using unbound textbox entry

I can send email with attachments, if the path of the attachment is hard-coded.

With olMail
    .To = Me.EmailTo
    .CC = Me.EmailCC
    .Subject = Me.EmailSubject
    .BodyFormat = olFormatPlain
    .Body = Me.EmailMessage
    .Attachments.Add "C:\Users\pat.lewis\Desktop\description.docx"
End With

On my form is an unbound textbox called LinkedFile1.

Me.LinkedFile1 = "C:\\Users\\pat.lewis\\Desktop\\description.docx"

If I assign the value of Me.LinkedFile1 to the .Attachments.Add property:

With olMail
    .To = Me.EmailTo
    .CC = Me.EmailCC
    .Subject = Me.EmailSubject
    .BodyFormat = olFormatPlain
    .Body = Me.EmailMessage
    .Attachments.Add Me.LinkedFile1 'DOESN'T WORK!!
End With

I get

error 438: Object doesn't support this property or method

at this line:

.Attachments.Add Me.LinkedFile1

It also does not work if I assign the value of Me.LinkedFile1 to a string variable then reference that:

Dim olAttachment1 As String

If IsNull(Me.AttachedFile1) = False Then
    olAttachment1 = Me.LinkedFile1
End If

With olMail
    .To = Me.EmailTo
    .CC = Me.EmailCC
    .Subject = Me.EmailSubject
    .BodyFormat = olFormatPlain
    .Body = Me.EmailMessage
    .Attachments.Add olAttachment1 'DOESN'T WORK EITHER!!
End With


  • Using UNBOUND textbox set with result of FilePicker works just fine for me.

    Only issue with textbox I can think of that would cause this failure is corruption. If running Decompile/Compile and/or Compact & Repair and/or deleting & replacing textbox does not resolve, eliminate it from the process. Set olAttachment1 variable directly with result of FilePicker. You can still set the textbox if you want to display to user.