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Recordset.Sort method not sorting

First time I've used .Sort but from Googling the following should work, but the debug print output is not sorted.

Function SortByYear(ByVal z As DAO.Recordset) As String
 Dim mySortedRS As DAO.Recordset
 z.Sort = "Year"
 Set mySortedRS = z
        Debug.Print mySortedRS!Year
    Loop Until mySortedRS.EOF
Set mySortedRS = Nothing
End Function


  • When you

    Set mySortedRS = z

    you are not creating a new Recordset object, you are simply creating a new variable that points to the existing Recordset object. To create a new (sorted) Recordset you need to use

    Set mySortedRS = z.OpenRecordset

    For more information, see

    Recordset.Sort Property (DAO)