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FLTK Closing window

I am using FLTK. I have a window with a variety of buttons the user can click to perform some action. In my int main() i have a switch statement to handle all of these. When the user clicks exit the switch statement is setup like so:

case Exit_program:
    cout << "save files and exit\n";

This goes to the do_save_exit function that creates a exit confirmation window with two buttons yes (exit) and no (don't exit). I got the yes button to work, exits the program, but the no button mean i should just hide the confirmation window. This is the follow functions:

void yes(Address addr, Address)
void no(Address addr, Address)

void do_save_exit(Window& w)
    Window quit(Point(w.x()+100, w.y()+100), 250, 55, "Exit confirmation");
    Text conf(Point(15,15),"Do you really want to save and exit?");
    Button yes(Point(60, 20),35,30,"Yes",yes);
    Button no(Point(140, 20),35,30,"No",no);

The problem is, when i click the no button it goes to void no, but I can't go anywhere from there. I just want to do quit.hide() but the no function doesn't have sight of the quit window (out of scope). How should I proceed? Thank you

P.S: I have thought about using a pointer to the quit window and then using the pointer to quit the window in the no function but am not sure how to do that exactly.


  • You probably need to look at using a modal (i.e., dialog) window. Look at <FL/fl_ask.h>

    if (fl_ask("Do you really want to save and exit?"))

    The header also has functions for the popup's font, title, etc.