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Check if container of shared_ptr contains a pointer?

Using Observer pattern. I have a class, called Monitor for example, that is monitoring a collection of objects. The class is an Observer and each object in it's collection is a Subject. Currently the collection is implemented as a std::list of shared_ptr. In the Update method of the Monitor class I want to check if the update is coming from one of the objects in it's collection.

std::list<SomeSharedPointer> items_;
void Monitor::Update(Subject *subject)
    if(subject == something_)
    else if
    // if subject is one of the objects in our collection then do something..


Subject here is a raw pointer and my collection is a list of shared_ptr. How can I effectively check if the subject coming in is any one of the objects in my collection?

(Note my compiler, msvc, supports lambdas if there is an algorithmic solution requiring one)


I should add that I realize I can use a for loop over the container, but I'm wondering if there's a snazzier way.


SomeSharedPointer is a typedef for std::shared_ptr<SomeType> where SomeType derives from abstract class Subject (standard Observer pattern implementation). SomeType will at some point call Notify() which will call the Update() method for each observer.


  • auto i = std::find_if(items_.begin(), items_.end(), 
        [=](const SomeSharedPointer& x) { return x.get() == subject; });
    if (i != c.end())
        // Object found, and i is an iterator pointing to it

    A little helper method can make this more readable:

    typedef std::list<SomeSharedPtr> ObserverCollection;
    // You can also add a const version if needed
    ObserverCollection::iterator find_observer(Subject* s)
        return std::find_if(items_.begin(), items_.end(), 
            [=](const SomeSharedPointer& x) { return x.get() == s; });

    Then, you use it like this if you need the iterator

    auto i = find_observer(subject);
    if (i != items_.end())
        // Object found

    or simply like this if you don't:

    if (find_observer(subject) != items_.end())