This is my code (Svelte 5, sveltekit, tailwind):
<script lang="ts">
import MarkdownIt from 'markdown-it';
import markdownItKatex from 'markdown-it-katex';
import 'katex/dist/katex.min.css';
const md = new MarkdownIt({ html: false, linkify: true, typographer: true });
md.use(markdownItKatex, { throwOnError: false, errorColor: ' #cc0000' });
function renderMarkdown(content: string) {
return md.render(content);
let content: string = '$a^2+b^2=c^2$';
<div>{@html renderMarkdown(content)}</div>
My output is:
But the numbers (2) are lowered (subscript). How can I make the numbers in superscript?
The version of KaTeX that markdown-it-katex
uses is ancient because the package is ancient. You have to use a KaTeX stylesheet that is compatible with the output of that version.
The docs of markdown-it-katex
reference KaTeX 0.5.1, at which point the stylesheet was not even included in the NPM package. You could get it from the referenced CDN.
(Alternatively, find a more up to date integration or create one yourself.)