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Is there a type for the $props() of a component?

Having a component

// Comp.svelte

<script lang="ts">

interface Props {
  value?: number;

let { value }:Props = $props()

that will be mounted in a *.svelte.ts file

const props = $state({})

const comp = mount(Comp, {
  target: '#target',
  props: props,

props.value = 100 //error: Property 'value' does not exist on type {}

I wonder if there's an alternative way of typing the props state other than moving the interface out of the component?

Something like const props: ComponentProps<Comp> = $state({}) ?


  • There is such a type, but it needs to be used with typeof:

    import { type ComponentProps } from 'svelte';
    const props: ComponentProps<typeof Comp> = $state({});

    The interface can also be exported directly from the component.

    <script lang="ts">
      export interface Props { ... }
      // ...
    import Comp, { type Props } from './Comp.svelte';