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Move nested Ansible dictionary enriching item with first level index?

TL;DR: I need to flatten an Ansible dictionary of dictionaries so that sub items are moved at the root level and their original parent key added to them.

Context: I need to populate a TOML file using Ansible with configuration options coming from an Ansible variable/fact. I am using community.general.ini_file to populate the .toml file because it works fine (in my case).

My input variable/fact is simple:

  param0_1: value0_1 # This key-value pair has no section/table
  section1: # This dict contains all the key-value pairs for section/table "section1"
    param1_1: value1_1
  section2: # Section/table "section2"
    param2_1: value2_1
    param2_2: value2_2

And I want the final TOML file to looks like this (= have those settings):

param0_1 = 'value0_1'

param1_1 = 'value1_1'

param2_1 = 'value2_1'
param2_2 = 'value2_2'

I managed to obtain what I want using this Server Fault "Using Ansible ini_file with nested dict?" answer which uses Jinja and JSON notation to process/transform the input in the desired output.

Here is a playbook with such solution:

# Usage: ansible-playbook playbook.yml -C -D
- hosts:
  connection: local
  gather_facts: false

      param0_1: value0_1
        param1_1: value1_1
        param2_1: value2_1
        param2_2: value2_2
    config_flat_via_jinja_json: >-
        {% for section, subdict in config.items() %}
          {% if subdict is mapping %}
            {% for key, value in subdict.items() %}
                "section": "{{ section }}",
                "key": "{{ key }}",
                "value": "{{ value }}"
              {% if not loop.last %}
              {% endif %}
            {% endfor %}
          {% else %}
              "section": null,
              "key": "{{ section }}",
              "value": "{{ subdict }}"
          {% endif %}
          {% if not loop.last %}
          {% endif %}
        {% endfor %}

  - set_fact:
        param0_1: value0_1
          param1_1: value1_1
          param2_1: value2_1
          param2_2: value2_2
  - set_fact:
      config_flat_via_jinja_json: >-
          {% for section, subdict in config.items() %}
            {% if subdict is mapping %}
              {% for key, value in subdict.items() %}
                  "section": "{{ section }}",
                  "key": "{{ key }}",
                  "value": "{{ value }}"
                {% if not loop.last %}
                {% endif %}
              {% endfor %}
            {% else %}
                "section": null,
                "key": "{{ section }}",
                "value": "{{ subdict }}"
            {% endif %}
            {% if not loop.last %}
            {% endif %}
          {% endfor %}
  - debug:
      var: config
  - debug:
      var: config_flat_via_jinja_json

  - name: loop on config_flat_via_jinja_json | list
      var: item
    loop: "{{ config_flat_via_jinja_json | list }}"

  - name: Configure application
    # Using ini_file module to populates the TOML file. It works for our need, ini sections are like TOML tables.
      path: config.toml
      section: '{{ item.section }}'
      option: '{{ item.key }}'
      value: '{{ item.value }}'
      # Will remove configuration line from config file if config value is empty
      state: '{{ "present" if item.value != "" else "absent" }}'
    loop: "{{ config_flat_via_jinja_json | list }}"

Which has the following output for "config_flat_via_jinja_json":

TASK [debug] ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [] => {
    "config_flat_via_jinja_json": [
            "key": "param0_1",
            "section": null,
            "value": "value0_1"
            "key": "param1_1",
            "section": "section1",
            "value": "value1_1"
            "key": "param2_1",
            "section": "section2",
            "value": "value2_1"
            "key": "param2_2",
            "section": "section2",
            "value": "value2_2"

I works but it looks like an hack for something I think is doable in native Ansible.

Is it?

Note 1: Because the TOML file gets altered from outside of Ansible I cannot use an Ansible template here. Beside I think it's irrelevant to the main issue I'm struggling with.

Note 2: I am using Ansible v2.10 (let's hope such "old" version is not a disqualifier for solutions).


  • We can simplify the logic required to transform the config dictionary into a more useful data structure. Our goal here is to go from a single dictionary into a list of dictionaries formatted such that we can use it with the subelements filter.

    Here's one possible solution:

    - hosts: localhost
      gather_facts: false
          param0_1: value0_1
            param1_1: value1_1
            param2_1: value2_1
            param2_2: value2_2
      - loop: "{{ config.keys() }}"
          _config: []
            _config: >-
              {% if config[item] is mapping -%}
              {{ _config + [{'name': item, 'items': config[item]|dict2items}] }}
              {% else -%}
              {{ _config + [{'name': 'default', 'items': {item: config[item]} | dict2items}] }}
              {% endif -%}
      - debug:
          var: _config
      - name: Configure application
          path: config.toml
          section: '{{ ( == "default") | ternary("", }}'
          option: '{{ item.1.key }}'
          value: '{{ item.1.value }}'
          state: '{{ "present" if item.1.value != "" else "absent" }}'
        loop: "{{ _config | subelements('items') }}"

    The set_fact task produces a data structure that looks like this:

        "items": [
            "key": "param0_1",
            "value": "value0_1"
        "name": "default"
        "items": [
            "key": "param1_1",
            "value": "value1_1"
        "name": "section1"
        "items": [
            "key": "param2_1",
            "value": "value2_1"
            "key": "param2_2",
            "value": "value2_2"
        "name": "section2"

    Running the above playbook produces a config.toml that looks like:

    param0_1 = value0_1
    param1_1 = value1_1
    param2_1 = value2_1
    param2_2 = value2_2

    I have tested this with Ansible 2.10 on Python 3.10 and it seems to work:

    ansible-playbook 2.10.17
      config file = /src/ansible.cfg
      configured module search path = ['/root/.ansible/plugins/modules', '/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules']
      ansible python module location = /usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/ansible
      executable location = /usr/local/bin/ansible-playbook
      python version = 3.10.14 (main, Sep  4 2024, 06:02:46) [GCC 12.2.0]