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Ansible playbook wait until all pods running

I have this ansible (working) playbook that looks at the output of kubectl get pods -o json until the pod is in the Running state. Now I want to extend this to multiple pods. The core issue is that the json result of the kubectl query is a list, I know how to access the first item, but not all of the items...

- name: wait for pods to come up
  shell: kubectl get pods -o json
  register: kubectl_get_pods
  until: kubectl_get_pods.stdout|from_json|json_query('items[0].status.phase') == "Running"
  retries: 20

The json object looks like,

[  { ...  "status": { "phase": "Running" } },
   { ...  "status": { "phase": "Running" } },

Using [0] to access the first item worked for handling one object in the list, but I can't figure out how to extend it to multiple items. I tried [*] which did not work.


  • I would try something like this (works for me):

    - name: wait for pods to come up
      shell: kubectl get pods -o json
      register: kubectl_get_pods
      until: kubectl_get_pods.stdout|from_json|json_query('items[*].status.phase')|unique == ["Running"]

    You are basically getting all the statuses for all the pods and combining them into a unique list, and then it won't complete until that list is ["Running"]. So for example, if all your pods are not running you will get something like ["Running", "Starting"].