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Check if EC2 instances exists and running then skip deployment

I am trying to run a playbook that calls a role to deploy some EC2 instances, everything works fine except that I want to put a condition when the EC2 instance exists and in running state to skip the deployment I used the following to retrieve the ec2_infos :

## Check if an instance with same name exist on AWS
- name: Get {{ ec2_name }} infos
    region: "us-east-1"
      "tag:Name": "{{ ec2_name }}"
      instance-state-name: [ "running"]
  register: ec2_infos

- name: DEBUG
  debug: msg="{{ aws_ec2_infos }}"

and on the Deployment stage my condition is as follows :

- name: "{{ ec2_description }} - {{ ec2_name }}"
    stack_name: "some name "
    state: "present"
    region: "{{ aws_region }}"
    template: "PATH/ec2.json"
      Name: "{{ ec2_name }}"
      Description: "{{ ec2_description }}"
      KeyName: "{{key_name }}"
      KmsKeyId: "{{ key_id }}"
      GroupSet: "{{ id }}"
      IamInstanceProfile: "{{ name }}"
      Type: "OS"
  **when: ec2_infos.state[0].name != 'running'**

but I get an error that says :

"msg": "The conditional check 'aws_ec2_infos.state[0].name != 'running'' failed. The error was: error while evaluating conditional (aws_ec2_infos.state[0].name != 'running'): 'dict object' has no attribute 

I think I am missing something in my condition but I can't find what exactly. Any tip or advice is more than welcome


  • As @benoit and @mdaniel said the error was in my understanding the condition should be :

    aws_ec2_infos.instances[0] != 'running'