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Coroutine in Unity isn't working correctly

I'm beginner in Unity and i have an problem.

In Update function , i call StartCoroutine(move()); That is my move function:

 public IEnumerator move()
     Vector2 tmp = new Vector2(14.47f, transform.position.y);
     bool hasReachedTarget = false;
     while (!hasReachedTarget)
         if (transform.position.x < tmp.x)
             transform.position =
                 Vector3.MoveTowards(transform.position, tmp, moveSpeed * 0.01f * Time.deltaTime);
             yield return null;

             hasReachedTarget = true;
     Debug.Log("ct "+count);
     if (!isHandled)
         isHandled = true;
         transform.position = tmp;
         animator.SetBool(IS_MOVE_NAME, false);

My problem is when when this function run, it call to it call to it a lot of times; By use Debug.Log("ct "+count) , i see a lot of count.

I don't know why did it happen. Please someone explain it to me. Thanks for yours answer.


  • I realized that the reason is i call move function directly in update funtion, thus it start new instance of coroutine every update function is called. I add some condition to call move function and it worked.