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AndroidManifest.xml is missing try reimporting the plugin

I have a problem implementing google admob in unity. I downloaded latest version of Unity plugin from github but there is missing xml manifest and i can't figure out how can i get that file. I tried reimporting several times but it does't work Unity version is 2019.2.0f1, any help is appreciated. here is the error log

I fixed second error, main problem is the blue one

I fixed second error, main problem is the blue one


  • I tried Junmo's solution above, and it looked good but was giving app ruining, apparently unrelated crashes once built to Android. So I would like to update that to what I finally found works;

    Find the folder at


    and rename it to


    That seems to solve the error message, and not cause unknown crashes down the line. So far. We'll see how long Google keeps compatibility for this solution.