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How can I get my Custom Editor Tool to work in unity

I want to be able to visualize where my 'ResourceAreas' are whilst in edit mode so i tried to create a tool to display them in the scene view. Here is the code for the editor:

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;

public class ResourceAreasEditor : Editor
    void OnSceneGUI()
        ResourceAreas resourceAreas = (ResourceAreas)target;

        foreach (ResourceArea area in resourceAreas.resourceAreas)
            Handles.color =;
            Handles.DrawWireDisc(, new Vector3(0,1,0), area.radius);

            Vector3 newCenter = Handles.PositionHandle(, Quaternion.identity);
            if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
                Undo.RecordObject(resourceAreas, "Move Resource Area Center");
       = newCenter;

However upon selecting my ResourceAreas scriptable object no discs appear in the scene view. This is the code for the scriptable object and what one looks like in inspector:

using UnityEngine;

public class ResourceArea
    public string resourceName;
    public Vector3 center;  // Center point in terrain space
    public float radius;    // Radius of the resource area
    public int resourceCount;

[CreateAssetMenu(fileName = "ResourceAreas", menuName = "ScriptableObjects/ResourceAreas", order = 1)]
public class ResourceAreas : ScriptableObject
    public ResourceArea[] resourceAreas;

enter image description here


  • You need to create an Editor Window Script. This script will create a custom editor window that listens to selection changes and draws Gizmos in the Scene view.

    using UnityEditor;
    using UnityEngine;
    public class ResourceAreasEditorWindow : EditorWindow
       private ResourceAreas resourceAreas;
       [MenuItem("Window/Resource Areas Editor")]
       public static void ShowWindow()
           GetWindow<ResourceAreasEditorWindow>("Resource Areas Editor");
       private void OnEnable()
           Selection.selectionChanged += OnSelectionChanged;
           SceneView.duringSceneGui += OnSceneGUI;
       private void OnDisable()
           Selection.selectionChanged -= OnSelectionChanged;
           SceneView.duringSceneGui -= OnSceneGUI;
       private void OnSelectionChanged()
           if (Selection.activeObject is ResourceAreas)
            resourceAreas = Selection.activeObject as ResourceAreas;
       private void OnSceneGUI(SceneView sceneView)
           if(resourceAreas == null)
           foreach (ResourceArea area in resourceAreas.resourceAreas)
               Handles.color =;
               Handles.DrawWireDisc(, new Vector3(0,1,0), area.radius);
       private void OnGUI()
           EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Selected ResourceAreas:", EditorStyles.boldLabel);
           if (resourceAreas != null)
               EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Name: ",;
               // Display other properties of resourceAreas if needed
               EditorGUILayout.LabelField("No ResourceAreas selected.");

    Then, open the custom editor window via Window > Resource Areas Editor. Select a ResourceAreas ScriptableObject in the Project window. it will draw wiredisc in the Scene view when a ResourceAreas ScriptableObject is selected.

    enter image description here