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How to compile Unity source code without downloading the entire engine?

I've made a school project in Unity, created the executable and made a ZIP along with the sources (including .sln generated by Unity).

Now, my teacher asked that he want to compile the source and check if it works and I really don't want to tell him that he has to download the entire 3gb package.

Is there any way to download requires classes/libs/assemblies and install them on Windows so the .sln will compile and generate the win executable?


  • If you want to compile a Unity project, you need to download and install the Unity editor; there's no way around that (make sure they download the same version because there might be differences in the APIs). The one thing you can do to make things a bit easier would be to delete the "Library" folder inside of your project before you zip it. This is a cached collection of game-ready data that's derived from your assets and their corresponding meta files; it will be re-generated if it's missing.