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Sharepoint Lists - JSON formats to display user email and other attributes

I have a list with a Person column named 'Resource'. I also made an 'Email' text column.

Email is formatted:

  "$schema": "",
  "elmType": "div",
  "txtContent": "[$]"

Which works great - I get the persons email displayed.

I then tried [$Resource.title] assuming that I would get "Project Manager" etc. except I get "Bob Smith" etc.

I am not the admin but I do have access to the SP admin. I have seen the SP user list. There is a 'title' and 'department' with data.

Am I missing something basic here - can I not access the users full information and just email?

Is there a list somewhere that details these hidden user field that are available?


  • JSON formatting supports id, title, email, sip, picture, department and jobTitle properties.

    To get department property, please use following JSON codes.

      "$schema": "",
      "elmType": "div",
      "txtContent": "[$Resource.department]"