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Get SharePoint ListItemId by Document-ID in MS Graph API C# SDK

Im trying to get the listItemId based on the Document-ID of a item in the SharePoint Library.

By Document-ID I mean the ID that is automatically assigned to a document when it is uploaded to sharePoint.

I have already successfully retrieved the driveItemId using the Document-ID. This is what the method looks like:

public async Task<string> GetDriveItemIdByDocIdAsync(string driveId, string docId)
        var query = $"Dokument-ID:{docId}";

        var results = await _graphClient.Drives[driveId].SearchWithQ(query).GetAsSearchWithQGetResponseAsync();

        if (results.Value.Count == 1)
            _logger.Info($"Found one document with documentId '{docId}' in drive '{driveId}'.");
            return results.Value.FirstOrDefault().Id;
        else if (results.Value.Count == 0)
            _logger.Info($"No document with documentId '{docId}' found in drive '{driveId}'.");
            throw new Exception($"No document with documentId '{docId}' found in drive '{driveId}'.");
            _logger.Error($"More than one document with documentId '{docId}' found in drive '{driveId}'. Returning the first item with driveItemId == '{driveItemId}'");
            return results.Value.FirstOrDefault().Id;
    catch (ServiceException ex)
        _logger.Error($"Error while trying to get last version of item with documentId '{docId}' in drive '{driveId}'. Exception: '{ex}'");

I need the listItemId to later read out the checkInComments of the different versions of the ListItem, as far as I know this is only possible via Lists, and not via Drives.

You do not need to answer directly with the C# SDK implementation, an https request is also sufficient. Thanks for your help


  • To get the SharePoint ListItemId, you can make use of below Microsoft Graph API query:

    Posting details proof of work @user2250152

    As you have DriveItemID you can pass it to get the list item ID

    enter image description here

    You can make use of select to fetch only the ID:$select=id

    enter image description here

    And use the below code:

    public class GraphService
        public GraphService(string clientId, string clientSecret, string tenantId)
            var credential = new ClientSecretCredential(tenantId, clientId, clientSecret);
            _graphClient = new GraphServiceClient(credential);
        private readonly GraphServiceClient _graphClient;
        public async Task<string?> GetListItemIdAsync(string driveId, string driveItemId)
                var listItem = await _graphClient.Drives[driveId].Items[driveItemId].ListItem.GetAsync();
                return listItem?.Id;
            catch (ServiceException ex)
                Console.WriteLine($"Error while trying to get list item with driveItemId '{driveItemId}' in drive '{driveId}'. Exception: '{ex}'");
    public class Program
        public static async Task Main(string[] args)
            string clientId = "ClientID";
            string clientSecret = "Secret";
            string tenantId = "TenanTID";
            var graphService = new GraphService(clientId, clientSecret, tenantId);
            string driveId = "DriveID";
            string driveItemId = "DriveItemID";
                var listItemID = await graphService.GetListItemIdAsync(driveId, driveItemId);
                Console.WriteLine($"List Item ID: {listItemID}");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine($"Error: {ex.Message}");

    The list item ID is fetched:

    enter image description here