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Download SharePoint file from Microsoft Graph API using "sourcedoc" ID

I'm trying to download a SharePoint file from the MS Graph /drive/items/xxxx API endpoint. The link I have is in the format<GUID>%7D, but the graph API needs some other OneDrive file ID to successfully fetch file metadata.

I have the correct permission scopes, and if I enumerate drive contents I can see the file there.

Is there any way to convert the sourcedoc guid into what is required by the API, or alternatively get file metadata by SharePoint guid?


  • what you're after is the Shares API. Given a URL like the one you used in your example you need to convert it to a share id value using this algorithm.

    So for your example the id be:


    With this value you can then query the item's metadata using:!aHR0cHM6Ly9jb21wYW55LW15LnNoYXJlcG9pbnQuY29tL3BlcnNvbmFsL2RyaXZlX25hbWUvX2xheW91dHMvMTUvV29waUZyYW1lLmFzcHg_c291cmNlZG9jPSU3QjxHVUlEPiU3RA/root