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plantuml, how to avoid text or other objects overlapping?

I try to make nice picture with plantuml and 1 component inside another with some internal and external interfaces. Output is ugly with overlapping object and text in my example.

left to right direction
component "component2" {
  portin " " as pi1
  portin " " as pi2
  portout " " as po1
  rectangle comp1
  pi1 --> comp1 
  pi2 --> comp1 
  comp1 --> po1

label "Interface1" as I1
label "Interface2" as I2
label "Interface3" as O3

I1 --> pi1
I2 --> pi2
po1 --> O3

Output is: enter image description here


  • By trying to change the ranking of the elements using strategies from, I came up with:

    left to right direction
    component "component2" {
      portin " " as pi2
      portin " " as pi1
      portout " " as po1
      rectangle comp1
      pi1 -> comp1 
      pi2 -> comp1 
      comp1 -> po1
    label "Interface2" as I2
    label "Interface1" as I1
    label "Interface3" as O3
    pi2 <-u- I2
    pi1 <-u- I1
    po1 --> O3

    image of refactored diagram