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How to generate UML package diagram with nested packages which may contain same names in different level?

I want to generate a package diagram with hierarchical packages which may contain duplicated names but not in the same level. e.g.:

package A {
    package B {
        package C
    package A

I think, package A.A might be acceptable. But plantuml failed with this error: Thie element (A) is already defined.

I also try the following:

folder A {
    folder B {
        folder C
    folder A

Then, plantuml failed with the same error.


  • You can draw diagrams with duplicated names if you include non-printing characters in the definition, e.g. by putting the name in quotes and including one or more space characters:

    package A {
        package B {
            package C
        package "A "
        package "A  "

    The additional spaces do not affect the layout in the diagram:

    UML class diagram with duplicated packages