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Plantuml Rendering Differences Online and Locally

Using plantuml's online renderer, consider the following diagram:

specified by the following code:

cloud Cloud {
node "Machine" #beige {
  node OPT #yellow [

node Torch #yellow

OPT    ==> Torch  : response
Torch  ==> OPT    : request

However, when I render the exact same code (copy-pasted) on my local machine, I get a scrunchy, ugly, unacceptable rendering:

$ cat > hairball.txt   
 <<< paste the above text >>>
$ plantuml hairball.txt 
$ xdg-open hairball.png 

I have the latest versions of dot and plantuml on my ubuntu machine:

$ dot -V
dot - graphviz version 2.40.1 (20161225.0304)
$ plantuml -v
(0.000 - 1008 Mo) 1000 Mo - PlantUML Version 1.2019.05

I'm out of ideas about how to diagnose and fix this and would be grateful for help.


  • how about:

    1. download PyCharm

    2. Install Plugins: PlantUML integration

      • Settings → Plugins → Search "PlantUML integration" → Install
    3. Pycharm → Settings → Other Settings → PlantUML → "Graphviz doe executable: your dot.exe path"

    4. test.puml

      enter image description here

    It looks fine.