Search code examples

VueUse useStorage - Store array of objects with limit

I'm using useStorage (@vueuse/core). I'm trying to store searches performed by the user on the site. Each index in the array looks like this:

export type TSearchHistoryItem = {
  tab: string,
  inventory?: {
    id: number | null,
    name: string | null
  keyword?: string | null,
  city: {
    id: number | null,
    name: string | null
  radius: number | null,
  label?: string

I want to store up to 10 searches maximum in the localStorage. Thank you.


  • Your question is unclear regarding what you are going to do with it, but here is how you add a limit. Once the condition is met, it won't add to the local storage anymore. This can be adjusted depending on your needs.

    <script setup lang="ts">
    import { useStorage } from '@vueuse/core';
    interface TSearchHistoryItem {
      tab: string,
      inventory?: {
        id: number | null,
        name: string | null
      keyword?: string | null,
      city: {
        id: number | null,
        name: string | null
      radius: number | null,
      label?: string
    const searched: TSearchHistoryItem[] = []
    const searchStrorage = useStorage('history_search', searched)
    function handleSearch() {
      if (searchStrorage.value.length < 10) {
        const values: TSearchHistoryItem = {
          tab: 'Tab 1',
          inventory: {
            id: 1234,
            name: 'Name'
          keyword: 'Keyword',
          city: {
            id: 1234,
            name: 'City'
          radius: 12345,
          label: 'Hello Label'
        useStorage('history_search', searchStrorage.value.push(values))
      } else {
        alert('Search limit is reached!')
        <button type="button" @click="handleSearch">Search</button>
        <div>Number of Searched: {{ searchStrorage.length }}</div>
    <style scoped lang="css"></style>

    Tested and it works.