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Force an image, table and algorithm in a column of 2 column text

I asked how to force an algorithm to be under a table and got an excellent response here.

I want to add an image on top of this. I tried figure, subfigure and adding an image in a minipage, but could not get it working. How can I do this?

Edit: The following somewhat works, but it makes the image caption small-caps and centered, as a Table caption. I want the image's caption to have image style caption (small letters), while the Table to have a table-style caption.


\usepackage{threeparttable, booktabs}
\usepackage[ruled, noline, noend, linesnumbered]{algorithm2e}




            \caption{Example table }
              \multirow{2}{*}  & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{Description}  & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Test}   \\
                               & Test           & Test            & Test       &  Test          \\
               Test            & Test           & Test            & Test       &  Test          \\
                \item[\textdagger]    Test



    • you are missing the graphicx package

    • you could temporarily change the captype to add a figure caption in your table environment

    \usepackage{threeparttable, booktabs}
    \usepackage[ruled, noline, noend, linesnumbered]{algorithm2e}
                \caption{Example table }
                  \multirow{2}{*}  & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{Description}  & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Test}   \\
                                   & Test           & Test            & Test       &  Test          \\
                   Test            & Test           & Test            & Test       &  Test          \\
                    \item[\textdagger]    Test

    enter image description here