Suppose I use this dataset:
sysuse nlsw88, clear
I want to run a regression and save it to a .tex file using esttab. The regression is this:
reg wage grade i.industry i.occupation, robust
Importantly, I want to indicate that I am using industry and occupation dummies, but I do not want any of the coefficients to appear in the table.
One way to do this is to hardcode industry and occupation indicators:
eststo clear
eststo: reg wage grade, robust
estadd local industry "No"
estadd local occupation "No"
eststo: reg wage grade i.industry i.occupation, robust
estadd local industry "Yes"
estadd local occupation "Yes"
esttab est* using "${path}/regress_wage.tex", r2 ar2 b(3) se label booktabs ///
replace nodepvars nomtitles drop(*industry *occupation) ///
scalars("industry Industry" "occupation Occupation")
But I would really like to not have to manually put these in. I found out about the indicate option
, but I can't get it to work with i.
variables. I have tried:
eststo clear
eststo: reg wage grade, robust
eststo: reg wage grade i.industry i.occupation, robust
esttab est* using "${path}/regress_wage.tex", r2 ar2 b(3) se label booktabs ///
replace nodepvars nomtitles drop(*industry *occupation) ///
indicate(Industry = *industry*)
I have also tried swapping the last line out for:
indicate(Industry = _Iindustry*)
indicate(Industry = industry*)
indicate(Industry = *industry)
But nothing works. What to do?
Also, is there a way to get the Industry
and Occupation
indicators to appear right below the constant as opposed to below the adjusted R-squared?
You can use the coefl
option to see how coefficients are named, which will be useful for referring to them in the indicate()
sysuse nlsw88, clear
reg wage grade i.industry i.occupation, robust coefl
esttab, indicate("Industry = *.industry" "Occupation = *.occupation")
esttab, indicate("Industry = *.industry" "Occupation = *.occupation", labels("In"))
The last command will produce the following table:
grade 0.561***
_cons 2.128
Industry In
Occupation In
N 2226
t statistics in parentheses
* p<0.05, ** p<0.01, *** p<0.001